What is DPQuiz.co.uk

I'm Dr Paul and this is my website. I'm in Edinburgh, Scotland I run online quizzes at YouTube and I have been a a professional quizmaster for over 20 years. This site is a resource for Pub Quizmasters and other question writers.

Current features include news, a large supply of free quiz questions, (both text and picture questions  - see links at top), downloadable quizzes and my best-selling quizmaster's manual: How To Make £100 a Night (or More) as a Pub Quizmaster.

What does DP mean?

DP stands for my name: Dr Paul,

And Who is Dr.Paul?

I became Dr Paul when I began quizmastering in the 1996 in Glasgow, Scotland. I loved what I was doing and realised that being a quizmaster was the thing for me.

Following strong demand for own brand of quiz action I became, in the words of the Sunday Herald, a "local legend" and before long there was a chain of live weekly pub quizzes and I needed to hire extra quizmasters to cope with all the gigs.

Through various twists of fate, I ended up quizzing all over Scotland and on the telly and the radio. It's a hard-knock life, not.

Now I've moved to the internet and created DP Quiz. My mission is to help quizmasters get well-paid gigs and keep them and stay on top of their quiz material.

On the ground, my quizzes continue in Edinburgh.

That Sounds Cool, Can I Become a Quizmaster Too?

Yes you can.

Being a quizmaster is cool and, luckily for you, I have now written down all of my real-life experience of the pub quiz game into a book: How To Make £100 a Night (or More) as a Pub Quizmaster.As far as I know, there is no other book like it.

If you're looking for a job which is fun and rewarding, you should check it out.

How Can I Contact the Doc?

You can This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. any time. I am also on Twitter and Facebook. If you want to find me in person, you can come along to one of my Edinburgh gigs.