Free Quiz Questions on outer space. Topics include planets, stars, galaxies, astronauts.

  1. In astronomy, how many natural satellites belong to the Earth?

    1 (the moon)

  2. When Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the moon in 1969, how long did their walkabout on the surface last: 2 minutes, 2 hours or 2 days?

    2 hours

  3. What was the name of France’s first space satellite, launched in 1965: Tintin, Asterix or Papa Smurf?


  4. Which planet is bigger, the Earth or Mars


  5. Which planet is bigger, the Earth or Jupiter?


  6. Which planet is bigger, the Earth or Uranus?


  7. How many times could you fit the Earth inside the sun: a hundred times or a million times?

    100 times

  8. If there was a straight road from here to the sun – how long would it take you to drive there moving at a steady 70mph?

    146 years (its 93 million miles)

  9. How long did it take the Apollo spaceships to get from Earth to the Moon: 3 hours, 3 days or 3 weeks?

    3 days

  10. How far away is Proxima Centauri – the next nearest star to Earth after the sun? 4 million miles, 4 light years or 4 million light years?

    4 light years

  11. According to NASA’s designation – how many miles up does a person have to go before they can be called an astronaut?

    50 miles

  12. Within 5 years, how old was John Glenn when he became the oldest ever spaceman in 1998?

    77 years old [Accept answers within 72-82 years]

  13. How many miles from the sun to planet Earth?

    92.96 million miles

  14. The Russians sent the first dog into space in 1957. But was the first dog in space a dog or a bitch?

    BITCH (named Laika)

  15. It is a rare occurrence, but what everyday name is given in astronomy to a second full moon in a calendar month?

    Blue Moon

  16. What country calls their space explorers “taikonauts”?


  17. Who was first into space out of monkeys, cats or dogs


  18. Which planet is bigger, the Earth or Mercury


  19. Which planet is bigger, the Earth or Venus


  20. Which regular astronomical sight was first recorded in 240BC, made an appearance in 1066 and most recently showed up in 1986?

    Halley's comet

  21. Which planet of the solar system has moons called Ganymede, Callisto and Europa?


  22. Is the sun more or less than a hundred million miles away from Earth?

    Less [only 92.96 million miles!]

  23. Which of the following planets is the smallest - Neptune, Earth or Mars?


  24. Which planet is bigger: Pluto, Mercury or Mars?


  25. Which planet has taller mountains: Earth or Mars?

    Mars (Olympus Mons is three times taller than Everest)

  26. Who was first into space: mice, monkeys or cats?


  27. In which galaxy does the Earth belong to?

    Milky Way

  28. Who was first into space out of monkeys, rabbits or frogs?


  29. Is the sun more than a million miles away from Earth or closer than a million miles?

    More than a million miles away [actually over 92 million miles!]

  30. Are most of the stars in our galaxy larger or smaller than our own sun?

    Most are smaller

  31. Which planet is bigger, Neptune or Venus


  32. Which planet is bigger, the Earth or Neptune


  33. Are NASA astronauts allowed to drink beer whilst they’re on space missions?


  34. How many times a year does the moon go round the sun: once, thirteen times or 365 times?


  35. The X-Prize foundation are offering ten million dollars prize – but you have to go somewhere to get it – where?

    Outer Space

  36. Which dwarf-planet did the astronomer Clyde Tombaugh discover in 1930?


  37. Who were first to put a woman in space: USA, Russia or Britain?

    Russia (in 1963 – 20 years before the Americans)

  38. Which planet is bigger, Saturn or Mars?


  39. Which planet is bigger, the Earth or Saturn


  40. Which planet of the solar system has moons called Titan, Phoebe and Calypso?


  41. Laika was the first dog in space in 1957. But did she survive the trip or did she die?

    she died :-(

  42. What are there more of: Neurones in the human brain, stars in the universe or Welsh people?

    Stars in the universe

  43. Who were the first space-race nation to put a probe on the moon: The Americans, The Russians or the Chinese?

    The Russians (Luna 2 in 1959)

  44. What specific star or planet does a heliologist study?

    The sun

  45. Which is bigger, Pluto or Uranus?


  46. Which planet is bigger, Uranus or Neptune?


  47. Saturn has the brightest rings, but three other planets in the solar system are surrounded by rings: can you name any one of them?

    Uranus, Neptune, Jupiter

  48. Which country has made the most spaceflights: USA or Russia?


  49. Is the sun more than ten million miles away from Earth?

    Yes, [actually over 92 million miles!]

  50. In the middle of the day on Mars – what temperature is the surface: 40 deg C, Minus 40 or Zero?


  51. What temperature is the surface of the planet Mars In the middle of the day: 40 degrees Centigrade, Minus 40 degrees Centigrade or Zero degrees Centigrade?

    Zero degrees

  52. What name given to an exploding star?



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